I have said it time and time again. You make life as happy as you are. So if you are not happy, then the life you lead will be nothing but short of happiness. If its love you seek, you must love yourself, Love God and search for it. If you already found love, and feel it slipping away, then working on it first and foremost, should be your top priority. If you are lacking something in your life, its your job to take a step back and figure out why...Life is not black and white, its not one straight line, its hard work, and you have to make the reward worth the work.
Theres certain people in my life lately that I have let go of. And not because they had wronged me personally, but because they seem to have been on a downward spinal, I can only say what I say so much, before its too annoying. I can warn, I see what I see, n Im not about drama anymore, my life is full enough of my own. So before I stepped in it, I cut it out of my life. Sure, this person may have needed my help, but when advice was given it went in one ear and out the other, and recent events have proven to me, that I got out just in time. So I give my help through prayers and thought. Hoping that the wake up call is sooner rather then later, but...
truthfully, I dont see that happening. Respect, for other people, for loved ones, for honesty, is all my life is about right now.
My family happiness comes before anyone else.
Fact of the matter I just dont get it. I dont get why people take something good they have and mess it up. I dont get why they think the grass is always greener...What ever happened to looking temptation in the eye and sending it packing???? life is as you make it right? You reap what you sow. N i hope that people get whats comin to them.
SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME~ Wonder why people get cut off...because they are toxic, irresponsible and self indulged in what makes them happy...But when you are in a relationship its always best to look at the picture as a whole~
Nothing is perfect, but no one said a relationship is perfect.
Plus...may I say that rumors spread like wild fire, some true some not. Its a game of telephone, people seem to hear what they wanna hear, and the story winds up trickling down the phone line all wrong...When does the maddness stop?? When the people the rumor is about, stops hiding and tells the truth for once~
But shelfish people get what they deserve, if not by us, then by a higher power.
At the same time, people may not know the ins and outs of a relationship, and I place no judgment however, I do know, that theres a right way, n a wrong way...people make stupid choices, and wind up...exactly where they deserve...Karma baby Karma.
I know this whole blog is spotty n may not make sense, but its therapy to me...I get it off my chest, and maybe even the people its involving may read this. N know that...they messed up big time. People got hurt, people are sad, and suffering... at your hand.
Looks to me like some people are a lot more like a chick they talked smack about all the time because of her constint infidelity n bad behavor toward a good man...then they let on~~~ ugh Im soooo frustrated and saddened. I thought I had found an honest to God, down to earth, truthful, reliable, and safe friend...N I was way wrong. Back to being the cautious friend finder I started to be years ago.
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