
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tis the Season for a Thankful Reason: 6

Ive never really been that big on Socializing. Had always kept a few only a few friends growing up, kept few close, and tried my best just to be nice to everyone tho, that didnt always pan out.
Thinking Back to Kindergarten where I met Betsy V. and Stacy Z. Who I remained close with till Junior high. In First Grade meeting Jenny B and Becca B. Jenny Who I still remain close with to this day. Who will forever be my family and my Oldest and dearest friend....ha, Jenny remember the Lemon in my moms eye, thanks to John~ lol ~ Or splitting the booths at Friendly's, closing the place down which Im sure after we left and the ladies were cleaning up the place felt spooky and quiet ;)
In 5th Grade is when I met Jeanna. That Year was the start of our yearly anniversary. The Day after Christmas. We became Super close pretty quick. And From there, we would remain friends so a very long time. Have memories like the "beating heart" in McDonalds Bathroom, and chugging Cranberry Juice when your mom showed up randomly at my house, while we were drinking (shhhhh)
To later finding few friends here and there, some who have moved on, some who have passed, that I think of almost every day. R.I.P
To Meeting my Lovely Dawny. Remembering her little face peaking thru her door the day we were moving into Country Squire Apts. Max barking at us and her holding him back. We became besties before we knew it! I ran to her house the morning my water broke with Emily, to have her check the toilet water to make sure I wasnt she never thought i was crazy for the odd things we did. I will always love her. Showing up to my wedding knowing my parents were not going to show up :/
To reuniting with Jackie, years later right before She got preggers with Chris Jr. Realizing how oddly close our kids ages are, where we FIRST tied the knot at the court house. To she always being there for me, mentally espcially, never Judging and with an Honest opinion. being my pregnancy buddy ;) Understand what its like to have kids all so close in age, while youre a stay at home mom, and a mom to special children. My Admiration for her daughter Khloe, from that moment I held her.....I was in awe.
To my odd introduction to Irene..." I see that youre pregnant do you want to buy my baby furniture?" awesome times at the Irwin Pool, and playdates where our Kiddos became close...even boyfriend, girlfriend like ;) Oddly enough Ems all time Fav movie is Mamma Mia, hence her love for her affectionate Greek blonde boyfriend. Irene you as well Made my last months at Irwin tolerable.
Ashley White, what can I say about you boo? You were welcoming and fun and sweet and actually gave me a chance at irwin. We always had fun, and laughed and We adore Steven. Im sad things ended how they did, but super thankful you accepted me back and that we remain friends. I Love you girl!
To My Girl Monika...With out you Mons, My end at Irwin would have been dull and sad and boring and Youre an awesome chick. Im thankful to have you in my corner girl!

In no order here, You ladies all truly mean something to me. I may not keep many close, but Im blessed to have you all in my life.
So on m 6th day for a Thankful reason, I am thankful for my true Friends.
Ive reconnected with a few more I havent mentioned, but it doesnt make you less important, just pregnancy brain still gets the best of me a year later. I Cherish all my true friends, and no matter how far our physical distance is...I always will~

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