
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Journey to The Moon: Sophies Implant Journey Part 2

Her Journey to the Moon, Began on a very rough note.
Running on about 3 hrs of sleep, for She, I and Emily. Due to Sophies new post surgery habit on 230am wake up calls that last till after 4am.
So her then 615am wake up from me, wasnt too....FRIENDLY. Even though I came in PEACE.
We only were Running 5 minutes behind my set schedule I had planned. BUT Everything after getting in the van just didnt want to work out. I forgot the address and we did a U-E to get it. The bagel line was EXtremely long. and then traffic at a stand still at times, and 30m/h others, made us 45 minutes late to said appointment. I LOATHE being late. I was horrified. Making Our time with the Tech From Seattle Childrens Hospital incomplete, as we were not able to get a reading on the level of frequencies the Lady was setting Sophies Neptune to.
We brought our entire Family, after all what an Adventure. Right? First hearing Experience for Soph. We wanted to be there to support. Matts Notion that Ryan would be the problem child was OUT OF THE WORLD WRONG. He did fantastic, playing With Sophie and the Audiologist. It was Emily that Filled a bucket of tears, with her fits over not playing...I should say NOT liking any of the Toys the Ladies were giving her to play with. Matt had to leave the Room often to Well....Speak with her, in his Daddy tone. At first Sophie took to the Processor on her head.

Then once it came off it was a fight to set it back on her. Eventually she got there. And as it was tested. You can see it in her face and body language how she was feeling about "SOUNDS" as the room was filled with us loud Deckers. Must have been more the Overwhelming for her Im sure. I saw her her head on the table, after each adjustment to the channels. Then when it was Removed for us to learn how to use this insane EQUIPMENT she went about Playing Nice and quiet.

She Refused to let anyone put it on her again, before our Car ride home. We gave up after about 10 minutes of trying to convince her. But in the car she took it by hand (off) to hold and learn, and she tried to put it on herself but didnt understand why it wouldnt stay.
She went right down for a nap when we got home, so it wasnt until after that I put it on her for the first time at home. First 5 minutes...went well. I then heard it BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP meaning it was off her implant. But When I put it on again she freaked out SCARED almost like it was hurting her...not so much hurt but the sensation is unfamiliar to her. She was kicking and screaming and rolling and Then jumped in my arms, EVERYTIME I talked she screamed louder then touched it She GOT so up set she threw up on me. ugh....So We try again tonight. And in the morning and so on and so on till its not AS scary.
After all 3 years of utter silence to enter into a crazy world where EVERYTHING makes noise...ID be ripping it off too.

So If you are interested on the Videos from her activation today. They are now up on my Youtube page.
Hopefully this link works. Or you can copy and paste if it doesnt.

More Videos from today after this one, just follow the link

Why Call it Journey to The Moon? Well Why not? Its Foreign Right? This is like a whole other World for her. Slow Steady Moon walking Steps toward being able to Communicate in everyway, but ultimately in which ever way she Chooses.

Back on Monday and THursday again for adjustments. Then Should be starting Therapy here in Tacoma Shortly.

Thanks For Taking this Journey with us.

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